Technical Documentation of Sculptor – The Form Builder
A Step by Step Tutorial on How Sculptor – The Form Builder Works
Sculptor allows the user to build mobile forms without writing any code. The mobile forms are created by the Sculptor function with the help of widgets that can be dragged and dropped to a virtual mobile screen. Widget properties can be configured to customize the widget behavior.
Step – 1: Log in to your Axonator Account or create a new account if you are new
Step – 2: Click on the create app tab
Step – 3: Name and describe the app you are creating
Step – 4: Create a form for the app you have built
Step – 5: Select form type and name it. Click on the create form tab
Different types of forms and their specific functions are discussed in a separate section. You can choose your form type depending on the applications for which the form is intended.
Step – 6: A new form builder window will open
Step – 7: Drag and Drop various widgets on the virtual mobile screen to build your form
You can change the order of the widgets by dragging and dropping them on their required position on the virtual mobile screen. The properties of each of the widgets can be defined by setting up the values as given on the right-hand side of the screenshot 7. Also, by clicking on the advanced tab displaced on the left-hand side of the screenshot 7, widgets with advanced functionalities like adding a QR code or rich media files like video and audio can be adding to the form you are creating.
Step – 8: See the configuration of the submission list as you want it by clicking on the list preview tab
See the order or the configuration of your submission list and its layout, in the form of the sequence and placement of a title, subtitle, main picture, and other elements in the form by clicking on the preview tab.
Step – 9: Once you are done, click the save button, and your mobile form will be created
You can customize/change the form you created as per your needs by clicking on the customize tab as seen of the top left corner of screenshot 9.
How to create “Form Shortcut“
Form shortcuts allow users to create a shortcut of a form. A shortcut is useful for accessing forms more easily or to open with one click. Form shortcut helps to show the widget/fields without opening the app. Follow the below steps to create a form shortcut:
- Go to Form Builder.
- Click on “Customize” button to open a form.
- Click on “More” tab on the right panel.
- Click on “Shortcuts”.
- Check “Add form shortcut” checkbox. (Form name will be automatically visible into texbox.)
6. Click on the “Save” button.
7. Publish the App.
To open the form using shortcut follow the below steps:
- Open the Axonator Application. (You will find the shortcut on the app list screen)
- Click on created form shortcut having arrow icon on it.
Refer to the below screenshot for Form Shortcut:
How to create “Widget Shortcut“
We can use Widget Shortcut functionality to jump on any particular field when the form is having multiple widgets/fields. For example, we can create a widget shortcut of important fields. To create a Widget Shortcut follow the below steps:
- Go to Form Builder.
- Click on “Customize” button to open a form.
- Click on “More” on the right panel.
- Click on “Shortcuts” tab.
- Click on “Add New” button.
- Select Field/Widget from dropdown list of which you want to create shortcut.
- Enter Name of Field for which you want to create the Shortcut.
- Click on “Add” button.
- Click on the “Save” button.
- Publish the App.
Note: You can create multiple Fields shortcut by doing the same steps.Shortcut icon will be automatically created on the top of the form. Refer to the below screenshot to create the shortcut:
Follow the below steps to use the widget shortcut on mobile devices:
- Open the Axonator Application.
- Open Appliction.
- Open the Form in which you have created the widget shortcut.
- Click On Widget Shortcut Icon.
- Click shortcut from the list. It will directly scroll to selected widget.
Refer to the below screenshot:
Different Form Categories in the Form Builder
Object Form
Object forms are used for collecting information about objects like assets, equipment, customers.
Action Form
An action form is used to capture information about an action that is performed on an object. For example, when equipment is inspected, equipment information is captured using the Object Form while the details of the inspection done are captured using an Action Form. Other examples of actions are giving approval, auditing, cleaning and authorizing.
Data Collection Form
Data collection forms are general forms that are used to collect information about anything. If no action needs to be performed in a form, then general data collection forms can be used. An example of the data collection form is a survey form. Another example is where you just want to collect information through inspection without having any objects. Data collection forms are typically used to collect any data and route it to a document or any of systems like CRM etc. The data can also be sent to the SQL database of your choice and further used from another program.
Event Form
An event form is used to capture information about an event. Such forms are used in conjunction with workflows to trigger further actions when the event occurs. For example, when an incident happens and other staff members need to be notified, a workflow can be attached to trigger an event form.
Types of Forms (not an exhaustive list)
- Inspection Form
- Audit Form
- Customer Lead Form
- Certification Form
- Compliance Checklist Form
- Incident Reporting Form
- Data Collection Form
- Pre-Inspection Form
- Proof of Delivery
- Dispatch Form
- Proof of Visits
- Invoice Form
- Work Order Form
- Asset Management Form
- Asset Capture Form
- Routine Checkup Form
Types of Inputs that can be Captured by Forms Using Sculptor
- Basic: Textbox, Date, Choice List, Yes/No
- Media: Pictures, Audio, Video
- Advanced: Barcodes, GPS Location, Signature
Enhancing the Usability of Forms Created By Sculptor
- Validations: Validations can be performed using different conditions. Validation of one input can depend on the values of other inputs from either the same form or on the values of forms filled by previous users in the workflow.
- Visibility Conditions: A widget can be made visible or invisible depending on the value of other input values from either the same form or on the values of forms filled by previous users in the workflow.
- Subforms: Subforms allow Sculptor to make a lengthy and a complex form shorter by combining related inputs in a separate form. This makes it easy to navigate to different widgets within such a form.
Power Features Used in the Sculptor
By using Parent-Child Relationships and Reference Relationships, the capabilities of the form builder are enhanced and data from one form can be used in another form.
Parent-Child Relationships: Some objects have parent-child relationships with each other. These objects are represented as forms in the Sculptor and their relationship is modelled using parent-child relationships. This type of relationship can be understood better using the example of an Airport and its constituent Runways. An airport is a parent form while a Runway is a child form. So an Airport can contain zero or more Runways. During the submission of a form, you can enforce the allowed number of children using validation feature inside forms.
Reference Relationships: One object can be associated with or referenced through another object. An invoice, for example, can refer to a customer to whom the invoice is addressed.
List of All Widgets in Sculptor – The Form Builder and Their Functions
Widgets | Function |
Text Box | Use the Text Box widget to insert text in your form. A text box can be used in your form for various fields like entering a name, address, phone number, email, and any other description. You can use multiple text boxes in your form depending on the data to be entered. |
Choice List | Choice List widget is used to create a list of options/choices for the user to choose from while filling out a form. For example, you can create a choice list for entering the gender of the respondents as either male or female. Multiple choice lists can be used in a form. |
Group Header | This widget is used to add a heading to new sections of your form. Useful for lengthy forms containing too many fields, a group header widget can be inserted to divide your forms and then adding the relevant fields under each header. Examples of a group header include fields like ‘personal information’ and ‘professional information, among others. |
Photo | Photo widget is used to insert an image in your form, either by directly clicking by using the smartphone camera or by selecting an image from the photo gallery/library in the phone. |
Document | Use this widget to upload a document in your form. |
Signature | You can opt for adding a signature field in your form by using this widget. It is like an e-signature, and you can sign the form using this widget, adding to the authenticity of your form. |
GPS | GPS widget is used to enter the precise location where the form has been filled. User can either enter the GPS location manually on the map that is displayed or a real-time location can be fetched through the smartphone used for filling up the form. User can also use the GPS widget to specify the location when the form is submitted. |
Date Time | Date Time widget is used to capture date and time in the form. Users have the option of capturing only the date, or the time, both date and time and date range, as per their requirements. |
Timestamp | Use the timestamp widget to capture the exact time of that particular moment when you start to fill the form. Timestamp displays the hour, minutes and seconds of the moment which you want to capture. |
Stop Watch | Add the stopwatch widget to track the time taken for a particular activity while filling out the form. |
Web Link | Web Link widget allows your form to contain links, which can be referred by the user while filling the form. The link added cannot be edited while filling up the form and acts just as a reference. You can use this widget to insert a link to your website at the end of the form. |
Languages | The Languages widget allows the user to enable multi-language support configured in their app and they can select the language they want to use from a choice list of languages displayed in the form. On selecting a particular language, the form gets reloaded in that language. |
Toggle | Toggle widget is used to create ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ options in your form. A toggle widget is similar to a Choice List widget, however, the main difference is that Toggle widget can contain only two options, Yes and No. |
Widget | Function |
Audio | By using the audio widget, you can capture audio in your forms. This can be used for various purposes, like recording customer feedback instead of typing the entire feedback. The audio can be recorded live on a form or can be added as an audio file stored in the smartphone. |
Video | Through the video widget, users can capture a video in their forms. This can be used for various applications like recording an employee testimonial, instead of just typing the entire transcript. Video can be recorded live while filling a form or a video file can be added to the form stored in the smartphone. |
Static Media | Static Media widget is used to display any type of content/media in the form for purposes like branding (like a company logo added in the form), reference information about how to fill that particular form or just for enhancing the looks of the form. |
Barcode | Barcode widget is used in the forms to allow data capture by scanning a particular barcode. When a particular barcode is scanned, the information related to that product or object can be fetched easily and users don’t have to fill those details. |
Subform | Use the Subform widget to create forms within your main form. A subform is used to break long forms into shorter ones for ease in filling the information. |
Child Records | Child Records widget is used to add different forms in your main form. Child forms eliminate the labour involved in filling up repetitive fields in a form – all you have to do is create a child form only once and add that in the main form or parent form. Using one child record form in your parent form, you can add multiple entries. |
QR Code | QR Code widget is used to allow the capture of data in the form by scanning the QR Code. When you scan a particular QR Code, the information relating to that product or object can be fetched easily, users need not fill those details. |
Counter | A counter widget is used to keep a tally of any item or objects. It contains ‘+’, ‘-‘ and reset buttons, which make counting easy while using a form. |
Formula | Formula widget can be used in your form to include operations that can make computation tasks easier. Operations like addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication can be easily integrated as logic in your forms using the Formula widget. |
Unique ID | You can use the Unique ID widget in your form to generate unique numbers that can be used to create different serial numbers for forms, subforms and other entities. A random ID with 16 characters can be generated through this widget and is not sequential. |
Auto Number | Auto number widget is used to associate a unique number to an entity, like assigning a number to a survey participant. User can assign the auto number in any particular format as they want and it can be assigned sequentially to the individuals filling your form. |
Verification | With this widget, you can enable biometric verification functionality and can capture and store various types of biometric information like fingerprints, eye scan, facial verification data in your form. |
Geofence | Used for setting a geographic boundary to a submission, like for the purpose of site inspection, where a site is an object form and the site visit is the action which the field officer performs. Using the Geofence widget, you can confirm that the field officer is actually visiting the site for inspection; and filling the inspection form within a geofence or a boundary that is specified around the periphery of the object that is inspected. |
Apply Geofence | In the parent form (in this example a site form), you can set the boundary for an object using the Geofence widget. In the action form (in this example an inspection form), you can activate or apply the Geofence functionality, where you specify that when the inspection form is filled, the Apply Geofence widget is activated, and you can know that the inspection form is filled in the set boundary. |
Payment | You can enable the payment functionality through your app using the Payment widget. You can configure the payment gateway and other necessary information in the form builder, and the amount specified can be paid through your app. |